
Computational Thinking is Not Just for STEM Educators

March 2, 2023
Teacher Professional Education
Content-Rich Curriculum
Dr. Raja Ridgway
Relay Faculty

Lately, you may have heard the term "computational thinking." It's becoming a buzzword in K-12+ education, popularized by Jeanette Wing's 2006 landmark paper on the need for everyone - not just computer scientists - to think computationally. Google recently named computational thinking as one of the top eight emerging trends for classrooms of the future and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has created a whole set of computational thinking standards. Most powerfully, influential states like New York and Texas are developing new sets of academic standards that mandate the integration of computational thinking across all grades. 

What is computational thinking? 

Well, it depends on who you ask - there is no universally accepted definition. Digital Promise, a leader in computational thinking education, provides this definition: 

“Computational thinking is an interrelated set of skills and practices for solving complex problems, a way to learn topics in many disciplines, and a necessity for fully participating in a computational world.” 

The creators of the K12 Computer Science Framework, a guide for understanding what students should be able to do with computer science and computational thinking, provide another definition: 

“Computational thinking refers to the thought processes involved in expressing solutions as computational steps or algorithms that can be carried out by a computer.” 

At Relay, we’ve combined ideas from both sources to develop a more unified definition: 

Relay’s definition: Computational thinking is an approach to solving complex problems across different disciplines. Computational solutions are developed in a way that can leverage the power of computers.

How does computational thinking benefit students? 

One of the key differences between, say, critical thinking and computational thinking is the explicit nod to being able to solve problems with computing power. Take a math class, for example. Students with the skills to leverage computers can visualize datasets with millions of data points in seconds. In science classes, computational thinking helps students program customized simulators for experiments (Check out ProjectGUTS to see how middle schoolers are doing this right now!) Even our youngest learners can get in on the action by automating storytelling and animations with tools like Scratch and Scratch Jr. Students who can think computationally can supercharge any content area by leveraging the power of computers.

One issue, however, is that not every student takes classes where they can develop their computational thinking acumen. In’s 2022 report on the state of computer science education in the United States, fewer than 1 in 10 students are enrolled in a high school foundational computer science class. And when students do enroll in computer science classes, like the two AP options, White (43%) and Asian (29%) students are much more likely to participate than Black (6%) and Latinx (16%) students. The gap also exists for students identifying as female (31%). 

Relay’s approach: computational thinking for everyone

Relay is fully invested in changing the landscape so that more students - especially those from historically underrepresented groups - have access to computational thinking instruction. Relay takes the approach of developing teachers to integrate computational thinking into their existing curriculum across all subjects. 

In particular, Relay has been training two groups of elementary teachers and leaders to integrate five specific computational thinking practices: 

  • Decomposition: Breaking a problem down into simpler and more manageable sub-problems.
  • Pattern Recognition: Looking at trends or patterns to make predictions about what will happen next.
  • Algorithmic Thinking: Creating step-by-step processes that can be implemented by a human and/or computer.
  • Abstraction: Including or excluding specific details to focus attention on the most essential components of the problem or solution.
  • Debugging: Identifying and fixing errors as part of an iterative approach to designing solutions.

Teacher professional education on computational thinking

The first group of educators are those taking Relay’s Enhanced Problem Solving for Elementary Educators course. This is a six-part professional education experience designed to support any teacher or leader in kindergarten through grade six in integrating computational thinking. Relay has supported more than 100 educators across the country, and continues to offer the course this year. Each educator who takes the course not only develops their own understanding of computational thinking, they also design, teach, and evaluate two lessons that integrate computational thinking into their curriculum. And one common theme for educators taking the course is the belief that computational thinking helps deepen core content knowledge. As our educators told us: 

Amy: Implementing these thinking practices is going to lead my students to a deeper understanding, specifically a deeper conceptual understanding in math.  Teaching math is not my strength at all, as I have spent most of my career focused on teaching literacy.  So, I find myself often turning to standard algorithms and wanting to teach students to do math the way that I was taught.  The principles of computational thinking (specifically decomposition which I’ve focused on most) are definitely getting my students to think more critically and hopefully more truly understand the concepts.

Jenny: The computational thinking practices should help my students have a deeper understanding of the core content. If they understand that CT is a process, then they should understand how to apply the different steps when approaching any problem. It will help them think more flexibly and have the tools to tackle bigger and bigger problems without letting frustration overwhelm them and cause them to give up.

In addition to the professional education course, Relay has also integrated computational thinking directly into the Elementary Masters in Arts curriculum. Teachers in several states are currently piloting the courses, and we are excited to know more soon.

For too long, computer science education has been only accessible to a small, select group of students. By helping all students (and teachers) develop their computational thinking skills, we’re giving them new tools for understanding and enhancing their worlds.

Learn more about Enhanced Problem Solving for Elementary Educators

Dr. Raja Ridgway

Dr. Raja Ridgway has spent the last 16 years teaching, designing curriculum, and using data to tell stories about students’ success and development. He has worked with Relay since 2014, supporting faculty and graduate students across elementary and middle school science and computer science. His primary interest is in the intersection between computer science, computational thinking, and science education.


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