About Relay & Our History
Relay’s mission is to ensure that all students are taught by outstanding educators. Our vision is to build a more just world where every student has access to outstanding educators and a clear path to a fulfilling life.

Whether your goal is to teach teachers, create innovative learning experiences, or build strong financial systems, you'll find that the pace at Relay is fast and the work is full of new and challenging problems to solve. We seek team members who are passionate about improving outcomes for all children and who want to be part of an institution that is rethinking how educators are prepared.

Relay is an accredited not-for-profit institution of higher education serving 4,000 teachers and 1,200 school leaders across the U.S. We offer degree programs, professional development, and unique learning experiences for teachers, principals, college students, and members of the public.

Relay is proud to collaborate with many outstanding peer institutions of higher education, educational nonprofits, public school districts, and public charter networks across the United States. Our partners set a high bar for excellence and inform our approach to developing teachers and school leaders.

Our people are the heart of our organization. Relay’s leadership team is a dedicated group of individuals who are committed to Relay's mission to provide all children with high-quality education and choice-filled lives. They shape the vision for our innovative model of educator preparation, and they live and work across the U.S.
CTC IIA Documents and Third-Party Notification
Relay Graduate School of Education is seeking initial institutional approval by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. This approval would allow Relay Graduate School of Education to sponsor educator preparation programs in California. Interested parties are invited to submit comments that may help to inform the Commission of substantive issues regarding this institution. Comments should be submitted to the Commission at input@ctc.ca.gov. Please note that comments should specify the party's relationship to the institution (i.e., graduate, present or former faculty member, employer of graduates, other -please specify). All identifying information will remain confidential.